Sunday, February 16, 2020

Candidate for the position of Chief of the Virtual Police Department Research Paper

Candidate for the position of Chief of the Virtual Police Department - Research Paper Example Community policing works towards ensuring that both the police and the citizens come together to prevent the occurrences and as well brings resolution to neighborhood conflicts. Community policing emphasizes on stoppage of the crimes or any other evil acts before they happen. It does not just deal with just making responses to calls after the occurrences of a crime. Its aim is to prevent the crimes and dealing with it in the process it is occurring. Furthermore, Community policing ensure that citizens get a lot of control of their lives’ quality control and regulation in their societies. The policing would mean that the corps becomes part and a fraction of the neighborhood. Community Policing also helps in ensuring that the police get a better understanding and knowledge of the demands of the citizens. Consequently, the citizens will gain trust in the police officers and their services to the community (Stevens, 1995). They will gain confidence in the police and respect and co rporate with them. In other words, the community works hand in hand with the department of the police in the community. If people believe that the community policy is in practice in their society, these people will be more possibly willing to give their good opinions, ideas and perceptions of these police. Moreover, in collaboration, both the community and police department will show togetherness in their work for them to accomplish their shared interests and objectives of creating a better and safer environment to dwell in. Together to attain shared objectives of a safer, better place to live. It is an indication of democracy and freedom in practice. Moreover, community policing is taken as an efficient and effective way to enhance the goodness of life within a community. Moreover, community policing also does a very significant role in giving meaning to the two aspects of policing. These are

Monday, February 3, 2020

Athletes being role models Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Athletes being role models - Research Paper Example At that time, the existing definition of role models was â€Å"someone who demonstrates the appropriate behavior for a specific role or relationship with another person† (Gauntlett 226). Though this description is not complete For example, David Beckham might inspire someone who is not necessarily interested in being a football player. Therefore, a more comprehensive definition of a role model would be someone who tends to inspire and motivate people. Role models edify observers how to behave as well as inspire others to learn how to behave in certain situations. In another study conducted, adolescents and children are drawn to role models not only because of their skills and capabilities but also because they see potential in them. Sports form an essential part of entertainment and recreation for most people; many of them follow sports religiously and regard athletes as icons. Supporting a team and hoping for it to win becomes a personal cause. In consideration of the profound influence that sports have on the minds of the people, it is often debated whether athletes serve to be good role models or not. Keeping the definition of role models in mind and the impact they have on the psychology of the people, this paper attempts to explore and provide arguments for if athletes make good role models or not. In my opinion, athletes do not make very good role models. I have seen people follow athletes blindly, not thinking whether the attitude of the athletes is justified or not. If the athlete is involved in wrong acts, many people, especially children, tend to follow the athlete. This argument is supported by many people. Athletes have indulged in the illegal use of steroids in order to boast their performance; exc essive use of drugs has also led to the deaths of notable sports stars. Where sports and athletes have become a major part of the American life, it is not justified to treat drugs and other misdemeanors